Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vacation week

Wow, I was away last week and it was sooooo nice. I hadn't planned on a vacation but my friend had a plan and needed a partner so off we went. Stayed 3 days in Vermont around Ludlow and rode the Ascutney trails on day one, hit local stuff (couldn't find the dumpster that marked the trailhead) so mostly tranquil fireroads through beautific horse country. Rain on day 3 so opted for a run and yoda. Then the travel to New Hampshire and stop lots. Next day we climbed Mt Washington with 50-100ft visibility, it rained hard that night and had us clearing out the campsite before 8am due to wetness. Nice visit to Starbucks and EMS for a dry layer and we were headed to Boston. Did a walk there as it is just all streets. Next day my college roommate, Jamie, took me fishing - awesome. Wedding in the evening to top off the week. Long drive back but we managed to find a nice rail trail in Bloomsburg. I'm really leaving out all the fun details. Mostly nice not to have internet or cell service. Good ice cream, non-hoppy IPAs.

1 comment:

Howie, Kevin, and friends said...

thank u for leaving out the "fun" details