Thursday, September 3, 2009


So yesterday I guest lectured on eCommerce to a soph/jun business class here at PSU. There were actually 2 classes so I had to give it twice - ugggghhh! I changed my talk to include more relevant (re: boring) information and removed the history (re: FUN!) section from last semester. Less fluff, more stuff. But then that made it difficult to keep the class attention. I did ok. I didn't get enough time to polish it up as these changes were last minute. But I got the most salient points across and some the kids thought it was good. The second class was a real challenge tho. After lunch, kids not into answering questions or participating. Tough. Plus I'm not used to doing back to back presentations, so the 'prof' was struggling too. All in all a good day. Beware I might be back in Spring. If anyone wants me to cover their class for a day, my rate is a bad lunch with the option of a cup of coffee later.

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