Friday, August 14, 2009


Wow, what can I say???

It started ok, then we climbed into mist and stayed in the mist. I was soaked. I couldn't see. F'in spectacles. Down the dangerous fire road descent. Take hand off handlebars to move glasses so I don't see through them. Bad vision is worse than no vision, right? Ok climbing and moving up, maybe I'll hook up with Todd, Josh, etc. Good there they are! Jump on the train with the friendlies! Miles pass, not feeling it. The little up on crowfield spits me, I'm alone, me and the fork. Stop for a drink before thickhead. Climb it well, can't see tho. Detweiler - blind - omg. Rider in front - LOG! Praise the saints I would never seen it! Up Bear Meadows, f'in fog, I can't tell how steep. Then down, take lead on Lonberger and drop the group - expected. 3 bridges, 1st bridge ok, prudence tells me to get off the second. Haven't walked them in years - bike tries to drag me off 3rd. On for Hollywood, sending it while singing 'Billy Jean' by MJ. Guy wrecks at end and I foot/push/dab to avoid him w/o losing momentum - classy Rothrock move. Up Laurel, hang on to group - hard, mist going. Down Lil' shingletown, muddy. Hard guy pulls everyone until Aide#2, stupid. I don't look good, don't feel good, no energy. 2 sandwiches, banana, and seat adjustment. Go time.

Greenlee, Pooh and I start up, beer station!!! Drop him, but not feeling it. Mathews catches me by top, tires are over-pressured for Croyle so let him go. De-pressure. Croyle sucks, not fast. wet. Onto seager. stop for a dip in the stream. Climbing. Legs coming around I think. A fan up ahead in costume, Centurian? He's going to hit me with his sword. NO! It's CHIP! Hi-five, bro! Huge push, he's the man. Groups coming back, yes! Shit, the climb ends. Down telephone, better than expected, across spenser to aide#3. More sandwich, one for the road.

Push bike (savvy vet move) up Sass-crap. Finish sandwich and get on. Behind grannies but refuse to pass, stupid as I probably burnt more energy instead of saving. Ditch them to go in first on upper. Rippin' it. Picking off riders. Downhill, Nord at turn, then to Lingle, hard, slippery, fun. Up the road, more riders come back. Josh - doesn't look good and cramping. Adios at Beautiful, scorch it. Kikapoo, horrid, endo and stove finger. Endo again. Paying for tiny front tire. Make it down. Alone on road. Love that section - into the 'town', aide #4. Eat, drink, say Hi!. Clay asked for time check. Overhear Eric tell him 10 hr pace. F*ck, can I do it? Put it out of my mind. Long way to go.

Up Stillhouse and find a pace, catch people. SS passes me - barely can turn pedals, I pace behind. Top is there before I know it. Legs are feeling iffy, mind is tiring. Wet clothes. Put it behind you. Good downhill then familiar trail, out to road and see Jim and Mike! I pee and we chat. Bad trail ahead - what? I've been ripping singletrack, might be good. Send Little Poe, absolutely kill it. Hit re-route, f! this is where I got lost 2 years ago! Granny climb, guy ahead tells me rattler is on left. Nothing there, no his left. Biggie, wants to cross in front of me but I sprint ahead, I'm not stopping on this climb. Logging road, good. Then see right turn to follow deer fence, more up! Granny again, down, up, granny two, down up, off bike, f'in ridiculous. Catch group and ride into #5.

Coke! Cookies! Eric lubes bike so I have excuse to stay. Girl from VA punches me and tells me to get on my bike! WTF? She's tired of me passing her - ha! Get on the last leg with J. Williams (master). Nothing left in tank so we don't even work together on the rail trail. Road to Old Mingle I drop the group I'm with. Stop for leak at bottom. It ain't gonna be pretty. Jump in with group and two of us pace together. He's going to walk, I tell him to stand and he gaps me! At top, not bad just nothing in legs. Down to fisherman's path, mojo is gone. Still catching people but ride it worse than I ever have. Back to rail trail, catch VA girl and sandbagger. He leads but drops her, I don't care to bridge so we trade pulls - tired. Over bridge, good photo! Through tunnel, wait for her (gentleman). Pull her on road. Round turn, IS THAT THE FINISH??? Yes, I reply, my GRIN bursting from my face, can't you see my GRIN! I see hers. Its worth every minute of the 10 hrs. Into Coburn, go ahead I tell her. Into the park, Kim shouts 'Oh no' as she wasn't ready with the camera. No matter, get the pic later, I'm done. Happy. Congrats back and forth, Jimbo tells me I finish under 10hrs - 9:56. Did it. Take my glass. Tough day, ready to change and for beer. See Runkle and the Cruikshank - umm beer. Go to change, chaffed. Wet for 10 hrs, what do you expect? More beer. Food. Friends. Tommi jokes that I got 'chicked' at the end. It's all good. Hang with friends. Other finishers - Sam, Rach, and finally the Rockstar known as Leah!!! Biggest cheer of the day, deservedly so. The W101, it will be legend this year.

Looking back I never felt good the entire day. I actually decided I wouldn't do it next year. But oh the short lived discontent. I'll be in, I know I will. The singlespeed is calling...

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