Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Biking for Bisons

So February 1 rolls around, its actually warm (40+ degrees) and sunny so I break my embargo from the bike and decide to take a quick spin up 220 to Bald Eagle. I changed the road tires for 'cross b/c the road dirt and water and I was on my way!

I fought a horrible headwind going out but I just thought how easy it would be coming back. Last year I took a left at Bald Eagle and climbed up to a bench on the Allegheny Front to Mountain Road. There is a Buffalo (Bison) Farm at the top of the 3rd hill. I blogged last year about it here.

This year I decided to out and back to the Farm. On the first hill the road went from wet to ash covered ice - lots of ash. Traction was fine so I continued. On the downhill conditions were pretty treacherous, I creeped down the snow covered portion and actually sped up when I hit the second climb. The second downhill was much better but there was a icy turn at the bottom so I still had to go slow. I slogged up the final (much longer) hill wondering if the Bison would be out - they were!

Going back was not fast either as the water, ice, snow, and ash made traction unpredictable. However when I got to 220 there was still a good breeze going and I made excellent time coming back. Good thing my butt was killing me and my hand kept falling asleep. A good sign I'd had enough time off the bike. Base time baby!!!

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